Monday, December 13, 2010

"Lace Frontitis" The Epidemic affecting black women!

Eddie Munster!!!!!!!, real famous for his hair line back in the 80's. I always wondered why these Ladies have subjected themselves to such an embarrassment of taking so much resemblance to Eddie. Whats more painful to come to terms with is the FACT that these lace front hairlines start from the eyebrow. 
There is no human being walking the face of the earth whose hairline is so perfect, well besides this person:
And SHE!!!

Kelly is def a repeat offender.....I mean check out the hairline and the glue manifestation: 

Aunty Kelly, YouNoTry, what in the name of Weave is going on with your hairline? Where is you part? Where is the Natural hair line or at least where is the "natural looking baby hairline"? I am not even going to mention i can see the glue on your forehead or that i can see where the lace front starts from.
I have seen crocked hairlines and badly "over emphasized baby hairlines but this here is the height of it all :
This has to be the most ridiculous looking baby hair I have seen in a long time,  plus check out the back side!!!! Aunty mi, YouNoTry at all. LOL

YouNoTry lace wig favorite has to go Aunty Brandy:

Can we say HOT MESS!! Aunty this  lace front is killing us softly. It just made me think planet of the apes ! Her make-up was nice but them brows was a lil extra. I cut for Brandy sha, I’ve been a fan for many years, but if I was in her crew I would not let my homie roll like that ! I’m just saying :) 

And ofcourse!!! to our drama queen, queen of pop, Beyonce, whom should pretty much take the blame for the invention of this EPIDEMIC....
                                         PAINFUL, huh?
I seriously want to believe the stress on her head is from the hitting that high note better not be glue application gone wild.. 

Partner in crime comes along and kills it....

Seriously, I blame Tyra & Beyonce for this lace front wig epidemic. Tyra & Beyonce have definitely had their fair share of lace front mishaps, but for the most part, Beyonce has always kept her lace fronts ‘natural’ looking (well as natural as you can get wearing hair that has been sewn onto a piece of lace and then super glued to your forehead). If you’re seriously going to venture out and attempt to wear a lace front, at least make sure you’re not walking around looking like Eddie Munster’s twin sister.

It is pretty obvious at who takes this award home....
You no try at all!!!


  1. Lol @ repeat offender. So wrong. Nice one ladies.

  2. I am yet to see this lace front crap done right. brandy's is nasty as hell. She no try at allll. If the celebrities aren't getting it right and they probably spend sooo much on it and have the best of hair stylists,why would regular folks think they'd get it right???? PLS QUIT PEOPLE.

  3. actually there are tons of ppl getting it right. instead of looking for bad ones look for good ones--lots of forums with great galleries. these "offenders" are boring...out of all of them I would only double take at the last one

  4. No, Monique, they all look a hot ass mess. Only they, or someone who looks as terrible as they do, would think any of those wigs are acceptable. I'm betting you wear a lace front too.
